“The most wickedly Hilarious crowd-pleasing comedy show since Martin and Lewis!” - AARP Magazine*
“The Beatles of Comedy! I mean there are more than four of them, and one's a woman. We just like to say that everything is the Beatles of something. ” - Rolling Stone*
"A fast, furious, and ferociously funny farce of a show in the conventional culture of The Comedians of Comedy.” - Alliteration Magazine*
“Unholy. Blasphemous.” - Christian Science Monitor*
DeceptiComics Comedy Show returns to New York City, NY on Thursday April 26th at the Parkside Lounge located at 317 East Houston Street, New York, NY 10002. Show starts at 7:30pm sharp and admission is $15 at the door, $10 in advance at http://decepticomics-nyc.eventbrite.com