It is hard to be a patriotic African
American these days. With Team USA playing Belgium later today in the
World Cup, there will be an exciting show of patriotism from
Americans all over the world. My favorite part of this world cup has
been #BlackTwitter showing it's Red, White, and Blue pride. I really
thought I was the only Black person who liked America for a while.
I've been very vociferous about my allegiance and love of my country,
and because of it I've been subject to criticism and mockery, which
has come in two forms.
My girlfriend and I often get into
heated discussions about absolutely nothing. Recently I was espousing
why I have a bit of a loathe-on for Europe, Nutella, and Soccer, not
necessarily in that order. I spoke about why I dislike the French as
a concept, a nation, and a national team, when she made the
observation that on this subject I sound very nationalistic, like a
Republican. This statement angered me greatly for two reasons; 1. I
despise Republicans and 2. she was right. One of the biggest tricks
the Republican party ever pulled was complete and absolute
appropriation of Patriotism. In the 10 years post-9/11 conservatives
all over the country made it seem like if you did not support them
and the “War on Terror”, you were worse than a Communist. To this
day it seems nearly impossible to be proud of the United States
without sounding like a gun-toting toothless redneck, or Ann Coulter.
Worse they blurred the lines between patriotism (pride in one's
country) and nationalism (a belief in the inherent superiority of
one's country over all others.) Patriotism leads to awesome
photoshopped pics of Abraham Lincoln riding a bear with an eagle on
his shoulder. Nationalism leads to World Wars. It's a simple, but
vitally important distinction.
I blame the Democrats for this. Were
they not so spineless as to let conservatives appropriate patriotism
it would not sound so weird when I talk about how rabidly
pro-American I am. Even in my own head when I talk about views that
I’ve held my entire life, it sounds funny. When I talk about how I
love America I feel like Rush Limbaugh has hacked into my thoughts
and is using me as a mouthpiece. It's a terrible feeling because one
should never have to feel like a fat, slimy, conservative radio talk
show host just for loving their country. Being a patriotic Liberal
feels strange because of the company it puts you in. We've grown to
expect a certain amount of xenophobia and flag-waving from
conservatives, but not from a Black Liberal from the suburbs of New
In the last week another phenomenon
has presented itself to me that has made me question my patriotism.
As I've said, watching the World Cup and being on Twitter has been
nothing short of spectacularly entertaining, especially when the USA
is playing. The memes and comments from #BlackTwitter have been
awesome. But another faction has reared it's head lately, a faction
I've seen referred to as #HotepTwitter or The Fun Police. Basically
it's a group of Black people who like to remind us that hey, the US
Government hasn't always been so kind to Black people. Ya know what?
I'm aware, thank you very much. I never try to defend the US because
a lot of what the US has done is indefensible. The very reason I am
here typing this blog is because of kidnapping, rape, torture, and
slavery. However, the reason why I am able to sit here and type, the
reason I can read and write and hold an advanced degree and earn
money and walk around in public with a girlfriend who is not Black is
because of African Americans. The reason why most of us can enjoy and
complain about our #FirstWorldProblems is because of African
Americans. As much as we hate what some Americans have done TO us (as
Black people) we have to love and respect what other Americans
(African Americans) have done FOR us.
I'm patriotic for many reasons, the
first and foremost being that I am as American as it gets. Physically
speaking I am most definitely of African origin, there is no getting
around that fact. And I wouldn't want to honestly; I love being
Black, it's arguably the greatest thing about me. Beyond those
physical traits I am in no way African. For one thing, I can't trace
my lineage to any specific African country (for obvious reasons). I
don't have an African language or culture to investigate and learn
about. Like most African Americans my roots probably go back to West
Africa, but beyond that I cannot say. But I am most definitely
American. I have an American mindset and the American superiority
complex (augmented by my NJ superiority complex, I'm damned near
insufferable.) I am overly proud of where I come from. I'm what the
terrorists hate about us. I love excess and dreaming big and shooting
for the stars and every other cliché you can think of. I am
consumerist and love money and things and freedom of speech. I read
the Bill of Rights and the Constitution for fun. As Denis Leary said
I love football and porno and books about war. I like girls in
bikinis and action movies were there are more bullets fired than
words spoken. I HATE NUTELLA. I like violent cartoons. I like muscle
cars that have 400 hp and get 15 miles to the gallon. I like engines
the size of a 1 bedroom ranch house. I do not truck with the metric
system. I buy most of my shirts from Wal-Mart and, for the most part,
I don't care about soccer. FOOTBALL is FOOTBALL and futbol is soccer.
That's the way God and Man intended it to be. I am American. I am a
proud resident of New Jersey, and for me to try to claim otherwise
would be fraudulent.
I believe to be Black in America and
to distance yourself from that is an insult to the generations of
Black people who fought and died for all we have today. Our ancestors
did all they could to make sure that their children would have a
better life than they did. The reason you as an African American can
voice your opinion and have the freedom to leave the country if you
want to is because of Black people. We built this country and today
every single one of us, from Barack Obama to Lil Wayne benefit from
this. Our blood, sweat, and tears are intractably enmeshed in the
colors of our flag. I feel that to disavow what America means to me
is spitting in the face of every Black person that died to make this
country better for Black people. We've fought in every war this
country has been in. We have been a part of every branch of
government (that bastard Clarence Thomas, unfortunately, counts.)
There would be no American culture if it wasn't for us. As much
prejudice and discrimination as we face, this is still our country,
and that only serves to remind me that this American Experiment is
not done, and that this generation needs to do its part to make this
a better country for Blacks just as my parents and grandparents did.
It's a flawed, bloody, dirty, excessive, racist, prideful, sinful
country, but it IS our country. We fought for so long to be
recognized as citizens, and now some Black people want to reject this
gift that we've been given. What a slap in the face of those who went
before us. So yes, today I Believe That We Will Win. Because I'm a
proud 'Merican and that's what we do.
1 comment:
Really liked this and agree with a lot of it. You gotta chill on hating Nutella though.
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