Saturday, March 14, 2009

Flip 'n Fold F'in Fantastic!

If there is one thing you should know about me, is that I fuckin love my flip-fold table. It's the only reason I fold any of my clothes. I don't know how I lived without it. No longer are flip fold tables solely purveyed to large stores that sell clothes; now the regular man and woman can own one of these magical devices. I have owned one for quite a while now, and have been on their mailing list for just as long. They sometimes send me comforting emails to let me know what is going on with their magical company. I have just received a new one to let me know about other products available from this company that should be put at the forefront of American Technologies. "The Ultimate Folding Tool" offers much more than just the Flip Fold table. You must go to their website to see all of the other products these people, from the goodness and genius of their hearts and minds, provide to us. What they do, yes they do get paid for, but that is not why these people work for the Ultimate Folding Tool. No, they do their work out of love, and out of a sense of duty to Humanity. Visit that site and tell me that I am wrong. See if it is possible. And no, they do not pay me to say this; what I say here I also say out of love; love for my flip-fold table.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're still on about the flip fold, eh? Perhaps that can be the wife you dream of in your previous article.